Viacheslav DatsikWiaczesław Dacik, były kickbokser i aktywista nacjonalistyczny (związany z uznanym za nielegalne ugrupowaniem Słowiański Sojusz/Slavic Union) został aresztowany w Norwegii. Przebywał tam od niedawna, po ucieczce z rosyjskiego więzienia, gdzie był osadzony od 2003 roku.

Za czasów działalności w Słowiańskim Sojuszu Dacik był jedną z jego pierwszoplanowych postaci, w dużej mierze z powodu sukcesów na ringu, co pozwoliło przyciągnąć do Sojuszu licznych zwolenników i aktywistów. Po aresztowaniu, za czasów pobytu w więzieniu, wsławił się między innymi stworzeniem silnej hierarchii i szerzeniem pomocy innym osadzonym o nacjonalistycznych poglądach. a także bezwzględnym postępowaniem wobec osadzonych nieeuropejskich imigrantów Był również jednym z pierwszych, którzy rzucili się do walki ze służbą więzienną podczas buntu w petesburskim więzieniu w 2003 roku.

Na skutek ustawicznych problemów, jakie stwarzał wszelkim służbom państwowym, został uznany za niepoczytalnego i osadzony w specjalnym ośrodku. Podczas niedawnej ucieczki Dacik (190 cm, 145 kg) miał rozerwać ogrodzenie gołymi rękoma. Z pomocą współpracowników udało mu się przedostać do Norwegii. Obecnie pomimo aresztowania aktywista ubiega się tam o azyl polityczny, a ponieważ Norwegia nie posiada umowy ekstradycyjnej z Rosją, jego przyszłość wydaje się być wciąż sprawą otwartą.

Poniżej angielska wersja listu oraz dołączonego do niego objaśnienia. List można rozsyłać do różnych organizacji zajmujących się tego typu sprawami:

(wśród wymienionych poniżej znajdują się organizacje, z którymi być może nacjonalistom nie jest po drodze, jednak warto wykorzystać każdą szansę pomocy Wiaczesławowi)

Dear Sir/Madame,

We, public activists from Russia, ask you to help our friend, who was recently arrested in Norway and save his life. According to our knowledge, Viacheslav Datsik, nicknamed “Red Tarzan”, world champion in MMA and a citizen of the Russian Federation, 21 September 2010 arrived from St. Petersburg (Russia) to Norway and asked the Norwegian authorities to grant him a political asylum.

Currently, he is in police custody, and his fate will be decided by the migration authorities( You can see the amateur video of his speech to the local police asking for political asylum in Norway here – The only reason for his arrest is the fact that he came to the police with a gun in order to dispose it there and voluntarily surrendered to the first custody order, which he saw. This is the right act of a law-abiding person. He found the gun and handed it over to the police. However, we are confident that the Russian law enforcement agencies will continue to hunt for him all over the Europe, using their well-developed espionage network FSB (Federal Security Service).

Viacheslav Datsik was sentenced in Russia for the long term of imprisonment for his opposition activities, and according to some reports, may be sentenced to life imprisonment. (It is especially probable taking into the account the fact that it often happens in nowadays practice in Russian trials when it deals with political cases). It should be mentioned that following the Kremlin’s order, in 2007 Viacheslav Datsik was recognized a mentally insane and sent for treatment to the psychiatric hospital (a relic of the Soviet Union, where people disliked by the regime were often declared mentally insane and sent for compulsory treatment), from which he fled, tearing the iron fence with his hands.

World champion in mixed martial arts, weighing 145 kg and having a height of 190 cm Viacheslav Datsik, alias “Red Tarzan” did not hide his nationalistic beliefs and still very proud of it. In our opinion, Datsik’s political orientation is the main reason for Russian authorities to pursue him and try to isolate from the public.

You can see his fights here – , as well as his “criminal deeds” –

All the charges against Datsik raised by law enforcement agencies of the Russian Federation are based on the testimony of one young man, who communicated with Vyacheslav. These “indications” and “evidences” of Datsik’s guilt are obtained by the police officers in the way that violates the laws of the Russian Federation as well as the international law. These “evidences” were obtained from the friend of Viacheslav using physical and psychological pressure.

We sincerely ask you to help Vyacheslav Datsik. In the case of his deportation to Russia, Viacheslav will be tortured by the Russian law enforcement agencies such as FSB (ex-KGB) which may result in his death.

Over the past 20 years Russia did not changed in terms of persecution of dissenters, and continues to be a successor of the USSR. The inhumane treatment of prisoners and the unacceptable conditions of detention have not changed since the Soviet Union epoch and they do not meet any of the European standards. You can have a brief understanding of the problem by watching the following documentary films and reportages: , ,

We sincerely ask you, the Norwegian authorities, not to extradite Viacheslav Datsik to the Russian Federation.

Norway is a free and democratic country. We are confident that you will be guided by international legal acts in defence of human and civil rights, as well as your own regulations of the rights of man and citizen, when making a decision on Viacheslav Datsik’s case and grant him political asylum in your country.

We also ask all human and civil rights organisations as well as political and social activists to help Viacheslav Datsik whose human rights and freedoms have been violated by the Russian authorities and defend him against possible extradition.

Yours faithfully,

(name, people may use fake names but DO NOT use nicknames)

Here is the list of emails of various organizations

Migration office –

Human rights organizations –

Amnesty International –
Human Rights House Norway –
Human Rights Cervice –
International League for Human Rights –
Norwegian Institute of Human Rights –
Norwegian Helsinki –
UN – Complain –
Center mot diskriminering –,
SivilOmbudsmannen –

It is very important to send an INDIVIDUAL email to every address, that way they will treat it as a personal email and take it more seriously.